+5 Profane bonus to Melee and Ranged Power +10 Profane bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification +5 Profane bonus to Physical Resistance Rating Adherent of the Mists Set (Heroic) Adherent of the Mists Set (Heroic): 5 Pieces Equipped:.Skills, except UMD ( Competence bonus): +5 to +20.Ability ( Enhancement bonus): +1 to +14.Spell Power ( Enhancement bonus): +38 to +153.Spell points ( Enhancement bonus): +19 to +294.Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus ( Enhancement bonus).Proof Against Disease, Poison: +2 to +10.Movement: Feather Falling, Striding: +10% to +30%, Swiftness +5% to +15%, Underwater Action.Orange Augment Slot: Empty Orange Augments.Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. Silver Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires.It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe. Against Undeads, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Undead Bane Undead Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature.Shield Bashing +9 Shield Bashing +9: +9 Enhancement bonus to Increased chance of Secondary Shield Bash.Riposte +2 Riposte +2: This item enchants its user with incredible awareness and speed, granting a +2 Insight bonus to AC and to Saves.Stunning +6 Stunning +6: +6 Enhancement bonus to the DC of character's Stunning Blow and Stunning Fist attempts.+5 Enhancement Bonus +5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.Adventurer's Pack west of Baba Lysaga's hut.Rubble in ruined mansion near the ghost.

Fungus in ruined buildings near 3rd journal.Conquest bonus: 260 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.Onslaught bonus: 230 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.Aggression bonus: 181 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.Discreet bonus: 57+ or fewer monsters killed +5% Bonus.The path before you may close, making it impossible to complete the quest. Bug: If you continue on past the first rest shrine, don't change your mind and go back.There free the last raven and loot Baba's chest. Just follow the path, free the ravens and enter Baba's Hut.Find the captive raven along the western wall.Find the captive raven along the southern wall.Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!