You might have issues when you save, copy, or attach files.

When you install this KB: This update addresses a known issue that affects 32-bit apps that are large address aware and use the CopyFile API. In reality, installing and updating apps just takes an unavoidable chunk of system resources, which can be a problem when you're gaming. Improvements This security update includes improvements that were a part of update KB5026446 (released May 24, 2023). Automatic app downloads and installation can also use system resources, resulting in high CPU utilization and I/O and fears of a svchost virus. Though it is possible to set upload and download limits for the Store, this still isn't an ideal for those with slow connections. For those, you can check their respective links. We're also not going to cover fixing the Store if it isn't working or how to uninstall it entirely. Today we're going to show you how to turn off automatic updates for the Microsoft Store, but it's worth noting that this won't prevent it from installing unwanted apps. Other times, users want to turn off automatic updates because they prefer a certain version of an app.

Often, users will notice that the service host network service is taking up a lot of their bandwidth and slowing things down. The Windows Store's ability to update apps automatically can be a very useful tool, but it can also be a nuisance.